A new spin on an old blog (just in time for 2012)

So this blog sort of fell of the planet after Gabey was born…and then subequently got sucked into the black hole at the center of the galaxy once I started my first year at medical school…but get ready for some action, folks, because we are dusting off this ratty, moth-eaten blog, and giving it a whole new view.

We over here are super busy:  I’m in med school, my husband is getting his PhD in astrophysics, and we have a 2 year old son who keeps us on our toes at all times and then some.  That being said, I have decided that I want to try cooking and baking with Gabe.  I think it will be a great learning experience, lots of fun, and (hopefully) super delicious.  Also, maybe this toddler will become a man that can impress all his lady friends with his incredible culinary skills…as opposed to burning popcorn so badly that we need to leave the house to let the acrid smell fade…cough, Gray, cough.

Anyway, that’s my goal.  I know that most of my post’s here pre-renovation tended to be recipes anyway, but now its official.  And it comes with an adorable kid in the mix.

This might turn out to be a total disaster…trying to bake with a not-quite 2-year-old sounds like chaos in the kitchen, but what can I say?  I’m adventurous.

Suffice it to say, this should be quite a ride. 😉


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